The Podcast Management & Marketing Company for Professionals!

Episode 6: Required Steps to Launch Your Podcast

I’m here to demystify the launch process. Truly, there are only five entire steps to launching your podcast and they’re pretty much the easiest in the entire podcast management and marketing process. Want to hear what they are? 

1) You need a name…

2) You need to summarize you podcast for your audience…

3) You will 100% need to have at least one episode

4) Artwork. Get that puppy branded!

5) Upload everything to your podcast host and hit submit!

That’s it. That’s all you need to have an extant podcast. Not so hard right? 

Now, don’t get me wrong, there are certainly some strategic things to consider and we all have this need to be sure everything is completely right from the get go. Here’s the thing, everything about your podcast can change over time. 

You can change your name, your branding, your artwork, your summary… everything. You can change it all and it will still exist. You won’t break it. 

Listen until the end of the episode as I provide some quick strategic tips and a sneak peek into future episodes. 

Have you been concerned with launching your podcast? What’s holding you back? 


Links & Resources: 




*This is an affiliate link. I GENUINELY love Captivate as a podcast host. It has so much to offer and it’s been one of my favorite to work with so far. I wouldn’t recommend it if it wasn’t amazing. Additionally, if you use my link, I may make a little money on it, but your price will not be altered in any way! You will however get a 7-day free trial to get everything set up and going. 

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